Consulting and Tech Coaching Services

Marketing Tech Coaching

There are thousands of marketing technologies to help your business, but which are appropriate for your business? What resources to you have available to manage? Are you confident that your choice will grow with you?

Do you have marketing systems in place but aren't using them to their fullest because you're confused? Perhaps you don't have the technical resources (skilled people) to accomplish your goals.

How MarTech Coaching Works

  • Flexible Options: Choose the type of help and frequency you need
  • We can set a fixed schedule of regular meetings to cover your topics
  • If your topic isn't on the list to the right, let me know and we will discuss.
  • Choose the consulting plan that works for you. It's better to select multiple sessions. Each session will last about 50 minutes.
  • I'll record the session and provide you a link along with any action items resulting from the meeting.

Ready To Start?

Let's get you the help you need so you can move forward with growing your business.

All plan enrollments and questions will receive confirmation within a few hours. 

Do You Need Help With ...

. Setting up email marketing

. Writing emails that sell

. Setting up marketing automations

. E-Commerce (WooCommerce) Setup

. Choosing and Using Email Tools

. Creating signup forms on a website

Do You Have Questions ...

. Updating WordPress

. Website Security

. Website Backups

. AntiVirus Software

. Domains and Registrations

. WordPress Plugins

. Marketing Tech Tools

Content Related Help

. Customer Retention Systems

. E-Learning / Course Development

. Content Writing Services

. SEO Analysis

. PR Campaigns

Get My MarTech Newsletter

Get help with all your marketing technology questions. My MarTech newsletter will help you improve your digital marketing and operational efficiency.

How can we help?

Find out how to attract the audience your business needs. Improve the results of your digital business starting with a solid foundation in security and SEO. Make the adjustments in your website for success. Your business must ultimately convey trust, relevance, and safety to your visitors. For a free consultation, sign up below.

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