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Get Better Email Marketing Delivery Rates

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Email marketing is one of the most popular and effective ways businesses communicate with their audience. The key to greater email marketing success begins with maximizing email deliverability rates. Ensuring your emails reach the intended recipients’ inboxes can be challenging.

This article will identify the first steps to achieving better email marketing delivery and explore the importance of implementing DMARC, DKIM, and SPF. Verifying these settings will vastly improve your changes of reaching the inbox of your customer or prospect. 

Settings to improve email marketing delivery rates

A few settings can make a tremendous difference in your progress to better email delivery. You’ll be more likely to pass the first level of spam filters on a website and get to the inbox. These settings are located in your domain name registrar and can be set by the person who registered your domain name or manages your website.

Understanding Email Delivery

Email deliverability refers to the ability of an email to reach the recipient’s inbox successfully. Achieving high deliverability rates is crucial because if your emails are not delivered, all the time and effort put into crafting compelling content and engaging campaigns will go in vain. Several factors influence email deliverability, including sender reputation, content quality, email infrastructure, and authentication protocols like DMARC, DKIM, and SPF.

Sender Reputation

Maintaining a positive sender reputation is vital for achieving high deliverability rates. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and email service providers (ESPs) analyze various metrics to evaluate sender reputation, such as the sender’s IP address, domain reputation, email engagement rates, complaint rates, and email authentication protocols.

Sender reputation is a critical factor in determining whether your emails reach the intended recipients’ inboxes or end up in the spam folder. To put it simply, it’s the measure of how trustworthy and reputable your email sending practices are perceived by email service providers (ESPs) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

Think of sender reputation as your email sending reputation score. Just as you trust a reputable brand more than an unknown one, ESPs and ISPs evaluate the reputation of the sender before deciding whether to deliver their emails to the inbox or filter them as spam. A positive sender reputation indicates that you are a legitimate and responsible sender, while a negative reputation suggests that you may engage in spammy or malicious activities.

Building and maintaining a positive sender reputation involves several factors that are assessed by ESPs and ISPs:

Sending I.P. Address

The IP address from which your emails are sent plays a significant role in establishing your sender reputation. If your IP address has been associated with spam or malicious activities in the past, it will harm your reputation. On the other hand, a clean and reputable IP address enhances your chances of better deliverability.

Domain Reputation

Similar to the IP address, the reputation of your sending domain is important. If your domain has been used for spamming or phishing, it will negatively impact your sender reputation. Conversely, a domain with a good reputation signals trustworthiness to ISPs.


DMARC is an essential email authentication protocol that adds an extra layer of security to your emails by aligning the domain used in the email’s “From” address with the domain used in the email’s authentication. It prevents email spoofing and helps in establishing sender credibility. By implementing DMARC, you enable ISPs and ESPs to authenticate your emails, reducing the chances of them being marked as spam or phishing attempts.

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail):

DKIM is another widely used email authentication protocol. It works by adding a digital signature to each outgoing email, allowing the recipient’s email server to verify the authenticity of the message. The DKIM signature ensures that the email hasn’t been tampered with during transit and verifies the sender’s domain. By implementing DKIM, you enhance email deliverability and build trust with the recipients.

Here’s how DKIM works:

Signature Generation and Identification

Signature Generation: When you send an email, your email server generates a unique DKIM signature using a private key associated with your domain.

Signature Verification: Upon receiving your email, the recipient’s email server retrieves the public key associated with your domain from DNS and uses it to verify the DKIM signature. If the signature is valid, it confirms that the email is from the claimed sender and hasn’t been altered.

DKIM’s impact on sender reputation lies in its ability to validate the authenticity and integrity of your emails. By implementing DKIM, you demonstrate to ISPs that you have taken steps to ensure secure and trustworthy email communications, which positively influences your sender reputation.

(SPF) Sender Policy Framework

SPF is another email authentication protocol that helps prevent email spoofing and unauthorized use of your domain name for sending emails. It works by defining the authorized IP addresses or domains allowed to send emails on behalf of your domain. SPF verifies if the IP address of the sending server is authorized to send emails on behalf of a specific domain. 

SPF records are added to the DNS (Domain Name System) to specify the authorized IP addresses or domains that can send emails on behalf of your domain. Implementing SPF helps prevent spammers from using your domain name to send unauthorized emails, thereby increasing deliverability rates. Here’s how SPF works:

SPF Record Creation and Validation

SPF Record Creation: You create an SPF record and add it to your domain’s DNS settings. The SPF record contains information about the IP addresses or domains authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain.

SPF Validation: When an email claiming to be from your domain is received, the recipient’s email server checks the SPF record to validate if the sending server’s IP address is listed as an authorized sender. If the IP address is authorized, the email passes SPF validation.

SPF helps establish your sender reputation by demonstrating to ISPs that you have taken measures to prevent unauthorized use of your domain for sending emails. It enhances your credibility and reduces the chances of your emails being marked as spam.

In summary, a positive sender reputation signifies that you are a trustworthy sender, whereas a negative reputation implies questionable sending practices. Implementing email authentication protocols like DKIM and SPF adds layers of trust and security to your emails, helping establish and maintain a positive sender reputation. By focusing on sender reputation, DKIM, and SPF, you improve the chances of your emails reaching the inbox and maximize your email deliverability rates.

Consistent List Hygiene Management

Maintaining a clean and engaged email list is crucial for maintaining high deliverability rates. Regularly clean your email list by removing inactive or bouncing email addresses.

High bounce rates and low engagement can negatively impact your sender reputation and deliverability. Implement strategies to engage your subscribers, such as sending relevant and personalized content, optimizing email frequency, and encouraging recipients to interact with your emails.

Optimize Email Infrastructure and Technical Setup

Ensure that your email infrastructure is properly configured and optimized for maximum deliverability. This includes setting up reverse DNS (rDNS) records, configuring your email server to handle bounces and feedback loops, implementing email throttling to avoid overwhelming recipients’ servers, and monitoring email deliverability metrics.

Monitor and Analyze Deliverability Rates

Regularly monitor and analyze key deliverability metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, complaint rates, and spam trap hits. These metrics provide valuable insights into your email performance and help identify areas for improvement. Use dedicated email deliverability tools and engage with email service providers to access detailed deliverability reports.


Achieving high email deliverability rates is essential for the success of your email marketing campaigns and overall communication with your customers. By implementing robust authentication protocols like DMARC, DKIM, and SPF, you can enhance the credibility of your emails and increase the likelihood of reaching the recipients’ inboxes. 

Remember to maintain a positive sender reputation, engage with your subscribers, optimize your email infrastructure, and regularly monitor deliverability metrics to continuously improve your email deliverability rates. With a strategic and proactive approach, you can maximize the impact of your email communications and drive meaningful engagement with your audience.

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